With Joy You Will Draw Water

Advent 3: Zephaniah 3:14-20, Isaiah 12:2-6

Joy bubbles up like some underground stream

channelled anew to this hidden dry pool.

Out of the depths it bursts into the light,

mating with air in bright bubbles and mist.

Maybe these waters remain for a time;

maybe they’re gone soon after they’ve come:

yet they awaken the ground all around;

greenness emerges and soon there are flowers.

So we’re encouraged to sing and rejoice,

let go of fears that have weakened our hands.

Prophecy claims God rejoices in us;

love soaks the driest of seeds into life.

Joy is the drawing of water from wells,

hidden in depths but raised up cool and clear.

Joy is refreshment in thanks and in trust –

healing distilled from the ages and earth.

Know that in flower and in flow God comes near;

shame will be changed and the outcast restored.

Gather like waters that flow into pools,

pray in thanksgiving and sing out in joy.

Barbara Messner 8/12/2021