Health and Wellbeing Meditation Groups
People of any or no faith are invited to attend.
- Thursday Meditation Group – 7.30PM at Aldgate
- Beginners’ Meditation Course – run twice a year.
For more information, contact Garry Coff on 0419800601
We started the Beginners’ Course and Ongoing Group in 2010 to provide classes and ongoing support as we had found meditation so beneficial in our lives, and to our health, and we wanted to share it.
Meditation provides a long list of benefits and opens us to the Spirit within.
Both are free of charge and open to people of all beliefs
The BEGINNERS’ COURSE runs for 7 weeks and teaches several ways to still the mind. Different types of meditation are explained and experienced and can be incorporated into your daily activities. Exercises improve concentration and still thoughts.
Relaxation is part of every session.
In the first session you will experience a 10 minute meditation and this is increased gradually by the end of the Course to 25 minutes.
The ONGOING GROUP meets Thursdays 7.30pm at Aldgate where we hear from a spiritual leader and discuss, relax, then meditate together for 25 minutes. The Group has evolved into a caring, friendly Community. Not everyone comes every week but all are welcome when it suits.
Enquiries to Sandie 0419800601
Sandie and Garry